Thursday, 7 January 2016

How does my dog see?

A huge misconception when it comes to dogs is the belief that they can only see the world in black and white. Although their vision in colour is not nearly as expert as us humans, they can see some colours due to the two different colour cone cells in their retina – yellow and blue. Dogs, however, can’t fully distinguish between green, red and yellow colours, although this does not mean that they cannot identify them as a colour – so yes, your dog is likely to know the colour between different coloured balls, although it may take them a bit longer if the ball is red, green or yellow!

So my dog’s vision isn’t as great as mine? 

Well, your dog manages to outperform humans when it comes to seeing moving objects in the distance – they’re about 10 to 20 times more sensitive to motion at a distance and can adjust to changes in light much more easily than humans! Dogs have a wider degree of peripheral vision than us humans, and this combined with their fast pace and twilight sensitivity makes them the perfect candidate for hunting down fast-moving pray at long distances. 

How does my dog see - Paws & Claws Pet Insurance

So, next time your dog can’t find that red ball you’ve thrown in to the green grass, remember that their colour cone cells are not as receptive to these colours, and that their world is mainly full of intense blues and yellows! Needless to say, what they lack in visual abilities, they more than make up for in their great sense of smell; their noses are said to be a 100 million times more sensitive than their owners!

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  1. That picture is so cool! I never really thought about what the world must look like through dog eyes, although I'm pretty sure I used to think it was monochrome (people always told me dogs were colorblind, so I thought that must mean they can't see colors at all!). It's nice to know they can see a few colors at least :)

  2. If you decide you are up to the task and are committed to taking good care of a dog for the long haul, then another dog may just have found a new human friend and a new home for keeps. dogs
