Thursday, 17 March 2016

How to tell that your dog loves you

Since dogs are such a huge part of our families, we often show them how much they mean to us; we must all give our pets stockings at Christmas and pet-friendly eggs at Easter?

Even the little things like regular care and maintenance shows just how much we all love the furriest member of our family. But how can we tell that they love us back?

How to tell that your dog loves you - Paws and Claws Pet Insurance

1. Loves Sleeping Next to You

Dogs prefer to be with members of their pack and sleeping with you shows that they deem you to be a member of the pack. Whether they sleep with you at night, or just have a quick snooze on the sofa whilst you watch your favourite film, this is all signs that they connect to you on a social level and helps them to feel extra safe.

2. Happy When You Come Home

Does your dog run up to you and lick excessively when you walk through the door? It's sometimes shown in other ways than just jumping and licking; if he approaches you with his tail wagging, he’s very pleased to see you.

3. Following You Around

Dog’s follow their owner for many different reasons, including being intelligent creatures who understand that you are their source of food and shelter. They also absolutely love being with their family which they show by sticking by your side.

4. Playing With You

Dog’s natural way of playing is to wrestle with us, which sometimes comes at very inopportune moments! If you’ve ever sat back whilst your dog is playing with another canine companion, you’ll see that he plays in a similar way to how he plays with you. It shows he feels comfortable around you and loves your company.

5. Cuddles after Eating

Our pet’s top priority is where their next meal is coming from, so it really is no surprise that they jump any opportunity to fill their tummies. But what is your dog’s next priority after eating? If they love nothing more than a relaxing cuddle after a meal, it’s a good sign that they are very comfortable around you.

Want to show even more love for your dog? Why not consider getting him insured from as little as £3.74 a month. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for more pet tips, fun pics & competitions. We’re also on Facebook and Instagram, so give us a like!

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