Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Essentials for kitten’s – a useful checklist

Before you collect your new furry bundle of joy there are a few ways to prepare. Kittens can be playful and adventurous, so ensuring you have all the equipment you need to help nurture them into adulthood and beyond can be really useful.

Firstly you need to allocate a sensible space that your kitten can eat, sleep and play in – we found that a utility room works especially well! Your kitten’s basic needs will need to be met, this means making sure you have good quality kitten food, adequate bowls for water and food and a litter tray (and poop scoop!) before you collect your new feline friend. Shopping for new pets can be a minefield, with many product varieties and brands available so here’s the know-how on what to buy:

  • Good quality kitten food – there are many cat food brands out there and many different options for kittens that include specially formulated levels of protein, which is essential for their growth. Deciding on whether to give your kitten wet or dry food is your choice, however you’ll soon find out which one your kitten prefers!
  • Uncovered litter box (with low sides for easy entry) - these are available in most pet shops or online and come in many different colours – we suggest getting a larger tray so that it can be used as your kitten grows into an adult (and less litter will end up on the floor!) When first introducing a kitten into your home is it recommended to keep them in for a while so they get to know their surroundings (speak to your vet if you have further questions or concerns about this).
  • Scoopable litter – there are different options available, both scented and unscented and come in many forms, such as wood pellets, clumping clay, silica gel crystals, corn and pine to name a few! We suggest using the same litter they have been used to in their previous home, to avoid any accidents as they will be able to find the tray easily, then you can try out other varieties.
  • Scratching post - to help keep your kitten entertained and to prevent the little darlings scratching your furniture, walls and curtains! Not only do scratching posts help to keep your kittens claws sharp, they also provide them with a platform for exercise and stretching their muscles.
  • Soft grooming brush – this is only a necessity if you are planning on purchasing a long haired cat and is required to maintain their fur and prevent knots.
  • Interactive play toys – such as wands, mouse toys, balls, laser pens and many more!
  • A soft and cozy bed - that your new feline friend can call their own, this should provide them with a safe, comforting place to sleep.
  • Cat carrier – an essential for the transportation of your new kitten to your home and to as well as to and from the vets for their jabs and check-ups.
  • Cat treats – these can be used for training your kitten and rewarding any good behaviour. Some treats are even designed to help reduce fur balls!

We hope this checklist helps you to be as prepared as possible before bringing your new kitten into your home, and they settle in easily and quickly to your family life!

Did you find this checklist useful or have any other items that you would recommend to new kitten owners? We’d love to hear them! Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or Instagram and join our Paws & Claws community.

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