Monday, 13 June 2016

Hay fever in animals: how can pollen allergies affect my pet?

Hay fever in animals: How can pollen allergies affect my pet?

The weather is warming up, the sun is finally showing its face, the flowers and crops are all in bloom.

This all sounds lovely, doesn’t it?

Except to those of us who suffer from hay fever!

Warmer weather means a higher pollen count, and many of you will be fully aware of how irritating and uncomfortable allergies can be. From sneezing and itchy eyes to constant runny noses, pollen allergies can be really nasty throughout the summer months.

But did you know that animals, including cats and dogs, can also struggle with the effects of hay fever? Although it’s not quite so easy to spot hay fever in pets, there are a few key tell-tale signs to keep an eye out for:

  • Inflamed/red and irritated eyes;
  • Excessive scratching, biting and licking (especially the paws);
  • Drowsiness and
  • Sore itchy ears

There are a variety of ways to combat the effects of pollen allergies but, surprise surprise, the main suggestion is to avoid long grass and fresh flowerbeds. If your dog is often seen running through fields with the wind in their ears, consider keeping them on a lead in particularly dense areas. Similarly for cats, if your furry feline is an intrepid explorer, try to groom them regularly and wipe their paws when they return home.

Get rid of remaining pollen on the fur with weekly baths, and always ensure pet beds are cleaned often. Regular hoovering of the house is also advised! Perhaps it’s time to teach your pet a new ‘trick’…?

If your cat or dog shows any of the above symptoms, and doesn’t seem to be their normal self, take them straight to a vet who can provide further advice and treatments. Check that your pet insurance policy covers you for any treatments when visiting the vet.

Have tips to help in the summer months or stories about your cat and dog you’d like to share? We’d love to hear them! Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or Instagram and join our Paws & Claws community.  


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