Wednesday, 21 September 2016

10 Things you didn’t know about cats

      We know our feline friends are pretty amazing animals but here’s 10 more reasons to love them:

1.  Unlike humans, cats are able to drink sea water to survive – this is due to cats having kidneys that can filter out the salt from the water, meaning they can re-hydrate themselves.

2. Disneyland own approximately 200 cats, who are released into the park every night to keep down the rodent population! This programme has been in place since the 1950s.

3. In the ages of the Pharaoh, if you killed a cat you could’ve been put to death, this was because the Ancient Egyptians considered cats as sacred.

4. Just like us cats can be left handed and right handed, with more than 40% of them being ambidextrous.

5.  Eating grass can help a cat’s digestion and get rid of fur in their system.

6. The most expensive cat ever is called Little Nicky, who cost the owner $50,000! Little Nicky was the world’s first cloned-to-order feline, produced by a Californian company.

7. When a household cat died in Ancient Egypt the owners would show their grief by shaving their eyebrows.

8. A cat is unable to climb head first down a tree because every claw on its paw points the same way.

9.  In 1963 the first cat (named Felicette A.K.A Astrocat) was sent into outer space. The French attached electrodes to monitor her brain which sent signals back to earth – she survived the trip!

10. The world’s rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak comes from a wildcat in Indonesia. The cat eats the coffee berries, which pass through their stomach and are harvested from the dung. The coffee sells for $500 for a 450g bag!

      Do you have any unusual facts about cats that you'd like to share? Upload them on our Facebook page, or visit our Twitter or Instagram account to be a part of the Paws & Claws community today!

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