Thursday, 27 October 2016

National Black Cat Day

In celebration of National Black Cat Day (which happens to be today!) we have collected our favourite images of black felines and put together our top 10 reasons to adopt a black cat*

  1. You will be able to spot them in snowy conditions
  2. Love knows no colour
  3. Black is beautiful
  4. Holding a black cat is slimming (haha!)
  5. Black cats match any décor
  6. Black goes with everything
  7. Black cats look sophisticated and sleek
  8. You won’t need to buy them a Halloween costume
  9. Luck will always be on your side
  10. Black cats are the least likely to be adopted (if this isn’t a good enough reason, then we don’t know what is!)

*Other colour cats are available

Do you have any black cat stories or photos that you’d like to share? Upload them on our Facebook page, or visit our Twitter or Instagram account to be a part of the Paws & Claws community today!


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