Tuesday, 26 April 2016

5 Things your Dog Loves

Our dogs always keep us entertained and we’ve noticed that they have some pretty strange habits, but what are the top 5 things that our dog loves to do?

5 Things your Dog Loves - Paws and Claws Pet Insurance

1. Making his own bed:

How adorable is that? Your pet loves to feel comfort just like you and will try and make their resting area a place that they can completely relax. They also tend to walk round in circles prior to settling in their bed, which is said to be a habit that goes back thousands of years when dogs would make nests for themselves in grass. This would mean that their scent was on the area so other animals would know that they’d claimed this territory.

2. Listening to music:

You probably already know that your perfect pooch is faultless at sniffing things out with his fantastic sense of smell, but did you know that they have a fantastic sense of pitch, too? When they hear another dog speak, they purposely alter their pitch so that they are seen as being unique. Research also suggests that classical music calms down our furry friends, whereas metal music makes them feel nervous. Spoken lyrics are also identified as preventing dogs from feeling lonely; hence why some owners like to leave their television or the radio on for their pup to listen to. If you sense that your dog is feeling lonely, it may be worth getting in touch with your pet insurance provider who can put you in touch with a vet to give you some more tips on kerbing his loneliness.

3. Experiencing new places:

Your pet probably gets super excited when they hear the beloved word ‘walkies’ echo through your household, but it’s always fantastic to allow your dog to experience new surroundings. There’s so much to see and sniff in a new atmosphere and walking in different settings helps develop your dog’s strength and endurance, as well as keeping them stimulated.

4. Doing chores:

Dogs, like humans, love to have a sense of purpose. Whether they’re busy looking for food, or protecting their family, dogs are bred specifically to work. If you fail to acknowledge your dog’s natural inclination to help out, it can often mean the dog is not stimulated, which may lead to behavioural issues. You can train your dog to do simple tasks, such as fetching the newspaper, or your slippers if you don’t trust them with a mop and bucket just yet!

5. Saving things for later:

Well, we definitely don’t mean food when our dog’s concerned, but any type of jewellery is snatched by our pup! After doing some research, it would seem that dogs are highly attracted to sparkly objects and they stash it away for later, because prior to being domesticated, dogs buried any food that they had to preserve it. For other dogs, it may be a way of keeping active or a way to be near your scent when you’re away at work.

Does your dog have the same loves as our furry friends? We’d love to know more of the odd things that your dog loves to do over on our Twitter, or Facebook pages.

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