Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Is Catnip affecting my Dog?

If you’re like us, you’ll definitely have more than one pet; the more the merrier! There’s some items that our cats love, and some that our dogs love, but can they appreciate each other’s toys and is it safe for dogs?

Is Catnip affecting my Dog?

Is Catnip safe for my dog?

The simple answer is YES. Catnip actually contains minerals such as magnesium, as well as Vitamins C & E. Some claim that essential oils found in catnip can actually help keep your dog’s digestive system healthy, but it’s always best to check with any vet recommended by your pet insurance provider if you’re planning on giving your dog catnip as medicine.

Does Catnip have the same effect on my dog as my cat?

We’ve all seen our feline friends become pretty excited when around catnip, and wondered if it can have the same euphoric effect on our dogs, but unfortunately dogs simply don’t respond to catnip in the same way. Your dog will probably have a play with anything containing catnip, purely due to curiosity. Some say that catnip actually makes their dogs rather lethargic and have used it as a nerve tonic for them before visiting the vets.

Are Catnip toys safe for my dog?

Whilst a little catnip may be okay for your dog, catnip toys aren’t designed for them and therefore try to avoid giving them to your dog. All dogs love to chew and the chance of your pup swallowing any filling, or rattles within the toy is where the hazard lies. Try to keep these toys out of reach of your dog to prevent any unnecessary danger.

If you need further advice, please feel free to contact us on Facebook, or Twitter, or your pet insurance provider will be happy to put you in touch with a vet for more information.

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